MSG Equipment is governed by the provisions for the protection of confidential information and personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Any information provided by you when using this site relating to personal data (phone numbers, addresses and other personal data you have left on this site) will be used by MSG Equipment only for the purpose indicated below.       

By providing information when using this site, as well as making any other requests in MSG Equipment, you agree that the corresponding information is not confidential and may be stored in the “MSG Equipment personal details database” and used by MSG Equipment in the future for the following purposes:       

  • providing you with information about MSG Equipment products, services, events and promotions that may interest you
  • conducting of marketing research to improve the quality of MSG Equipment products and services

MSG Equipment may use the phone numbers or other contact information that you specified earlier to contact you. 

MSG Equipment will do its utmost to ensure the security of the collection, transmission and storage of personal data, as required by the nature of such data and the legislation governing the protection of personal data. User personal data will not be transferred to third parties without the consent of the users themselves. Users retain the right to access, refine, and prohibit the use of their personal data. For access, clarification, prohibition of the use of your personal data, please contact us:

All materials on this site are solely for informational purposes. We have made every effort to provide accurate information but, at the same time, we reserve the right to make changes to the technical specifications, the equipment composition and to remove certain items from the assortment without warning. This information can not be treated as error-free and does not represent either a sale of a particular product or a list of its technical characteristics. 

The manner in which information is provided and all the materials of this site, including software code and design, are protected by regulatory enactments that regulate intellectual property relations. It is allowed to use data, texts, photographs or graphic materials posted on this website for personal non-commercial purposes. It is prohibited to reproduce, modify, transmit, license and / or publish the abovementioned materials, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the written consent of MSG Equipment.  

MSG Equipment disclaims any responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental or other damages that may be caused by the visit or use of this site, including, but not limiting, any loss or damage that may be caused by viral programs that have attacked computers or occurred due to user’s trust in the information received on this site.         

MSG Equipment reserves the right to make changes and additions to these terms and conditions, as well as to the information presented on this site from time to time. We ask you to visit our website and this page from time to time to track changes.