May 5, 2018



Are you the owner of the car service? Looking for a new level of income? Think about the opening of the sales department of aggregates and components for car repairs. First, it is an additional service for customers, because they do not need to spend time searching and visiting other service shops. Secondly, it is a good addition to the profit of the car service. What you need to open an auto parts store, read below.

Business plan for the opening of a spare parts shop for cars

Any successful business requires a plan: from the formation of an idea for the business to the distribution of the budget. So, first think about the direction in which you will operate:

  • sale of spare parts for cars of domestic, European or American-Asian production
  • sale of original spare parts or analogs, etc.

When choosing the direction, it is better to focus on the brands of cars of regular customers of your car workshop, otherwise the demand for the offered goods may be low. It will not be superfluous to expand the range of products, offering engine oils, auto chemical goods, accessories. In parallel, you can open an auto parts store on the Internet. So you will attract additional attention to the physical point of sale and will make profit through online trading.

Room and staff

So, since we are talking about the auto parts store in the service station, you have two options for organizing the working space: allocate a portion of the useful space to the point of sale in the cash zone or waiting room (because there are customers most often), or equip a separate building for the store. What to choose is your choice. The main thing is that customers pay attention to the point of sale. If you sell not only car parts, but also combustible, explosive liquids (fuel, auto chemical goods, etc.), take care of the high level of fire safety of the store. To make the auto parts business a good profit, you will need experienced salesmen. Also, hire a responsible and attentive cashier, a purchasing manager, a security guard.

Supplier search

The sale of any products includes the search for suppliers. To make your business profitable, and not a "headache", it is important to deal with responsible partners who will ensure the prompt delivery of quality goods at attractive wholesale prices. If you are aimed at selling original parts for cars, cooperate with the official dealers of the manufacturing companies. So you avoid counterfeit, get the necessary accompanying documentation, you can legally use the logos of the brands you work with. When concluding profitable partnership agreements, you can take products for sale or in installments.

Estimated core costs:

  • registration of documentation for business services
  • rent or construction of premises (if this is a detached building)
  • Arrangement of a point of sale (repair, racks, racks, showcase, office equipment, interior and exterior design
  • purchase of goods
  • Payment of utility services
  • payment of taxes
  • offline advertising (production and distribution of printing, use of media, etc.), online advertising (site maintenance, placement on trading floors, context, etc.)
  • staff salary

Also keep in mind that first the auto parts store will work in the negative, so you need a stock of cash for monthly payments and unexpected expenses.


When trading inexpensive auto parts for many positions, you can safely put a margin of 100-120%. On the sale of original parts for cars you can get 25-30% for one unit. However, before the formation of prices, do not forget to study the proposals of competitors, so as not to overstate the average market value of the offered goods.

So, consider the business plan and open the auto parts store safely at the service station. He will not only bring a significant income, but also with competent management will block downtime for off-season car service.