Nov 1, 2018


Organizing workplace in the workshop

The purpose of work arrangement in the service center is creation of favorable conditions for improving the quality and productivity of a mechanic minimizing physical and psychological costs. Let’s consider how to choose the right lighting, arrange the equipment, place the tools in order to equip the workplace in the workshop.

General info

A mechanic’s workplace is the object of work organization, as well as the primary link of the production structure of the service center. This zone is for carrying out work operations determined by the current legislative norms and equipped with the necessary labor resources.

In modern car services all production sites are rather closely interconnected, therefore, the indicators of both individual and collective labor depend on the level of organization of the workplace of any specialist.

Basic principles of the workplace arrangement

Since the majority of service centers work all year round, it is necessary to take care of the heating system in advance (stationary radiators, heaters, wall insulation, etc.), otherwise, further planning of the workplace does not make sense because not only the workshop worker can get cold but also equipment and car service tools.

Pay special attention to the lighting of the working area, as well as the installation of the ventilation system and individual exhaust which is especially important for painters and workers of the washing department.

Also, calculate the wiring of sockets for connecting various power tools and diagnostic equipment because some of them are powered from 220V power supply, others from 360V.

The list of requirements for the organization of the workplace in the service center should include drawing up a plan for the placement of machines relative to the workbench, neighboring work areas, entry to the premises, taking into account all fire and sanitary standards.

As part of the arrangement of the working area, install one or several workbenches. To store spare parts and rubber products, working tools and assemblies in a complete set, equip the workplace of an auto equipment specialist with open-type racks; mobile carts; hooks or wall mounting system. The best solution would be to install a multifunctional workbench with a perforated back panel and drawers for placing wrenches, pullers and other essentials that will always be at hand. Thus, you will save work space and a worker’s time when he needs to find some spare part or tool for repairing steering racks and other vehicle mechanisms.

Individual work

To detect precisely the needs of the service center specialist and increase the worker’s productivity, conduct an interview and analyze the answers.

Learn what factors influence the quality of the specialist’s work, what the advantages and disadvantages the worker can name at your enterprise, what should be improved in the organization of the work process.

When you interview all specialists and analyze their responses, you can take averages and, based on them, remove problems that stand in the way of high performance indicators.

Also, remember that the workplace should be clean. Provide each mechanic with an individual set of household goods and chemicals for cleaning the workbench, removing dirt and dust from the auto equipment and other daily or monthly manipulations.

If you have the opportunity to hire technical staff, the duty of cleaning the workplace will become the responsibility of the technical staff, but every employee must still observe order at the end of the working day.


1. Order in the workplace

The tool should always be neatly arranged on the table or hung. Loose hammer heads, worn screwdrivers, cracked key heads, tangled wires on the floor can cause injury.

2. Car lift

A vehicle lifted on a jack or an automatic lift may accidentally fall on a worker and cause injuries. This happens when the equipment is defective or when enclose trimming rotten boards are used for stationary support under the wheels of the car.

Always check the condition of seals of the hydraulic cylinder jack, as well as the condition of the lifts, because if they are worn they will not bear the weight of the car for a sufficient amount of time.

3. Work in the inspection pit

If the worker is in the inspection pit, it is forbidden to leave the engine on, it is forbidden to open or spill gasoline, solvent and other fuel and lubricants, as due to poor ventilation there is a risk of suffocation by exhaust gases and chemical means.

4. Fire safety

It is forbidden to smoke in the workplace, as a spark can ignite gasoline or a worker’s clothing soaked in chemicals.

5. Work with power tools

When using a drill, grinder or diagnostic equipment a car mechanic should wear heavy-duty overalls as well as protective glasses. But it is forbidden to begin to work on machines with bare wiring, sparking or smoke.

To provide first aid to the victim, it is desirable to equip each workplace with an individual first-aid kit.

Remember to conduct safety training on regulated standards.

Let us sum up. When organizing a workplace at a service station, you should take into account the rules of labor protection and fire safety, as well as the personal wishes of each worker within the frameworks of the enterprise. If you reach the happy medium, you will get high productivity and thanks to your specialists.