Jun 6, 2019

New features of MS111!

► MS111 bench checks 12 and 24-volt compressors of car air conditioners

MSG Equipment never stops at what has been accomplished and is always focused on achieving maximum results. We continue to refine and improve the products of our own production, so that the result pleased us and our customers. 

MS111 bench for diagnostics compressors of car air conditioners works with R134A and R1234 refrigerants, knows how to check 24-volt compressors!

We have developed DC-DC Converter that allows you to connect compressors with a 24V clutch to the bench.

Previously, such compressors had to be powered by a separate power.

Nowadays MS111 bench became self-sufficient and checks such compressors completely!

MS111 bench is modified with software and a new feature as an automatic diagnostic is implemented.

To perform the checking, you must:

  • install and secure the compressor;
  • install and tighten the drive belt;
  • connect a valve and/or clutch to the bench;
  • pump out the refrigerant if it is left from the previous test.

Checking is divided into 4 stages:

  • Determination of seal tightness;
  • Checking of a valve and/or clutch;
  • Performance test;
  • Noise level testing.

The test results can be saved and printed, which is convenient for analyzing the information.