Jun 6, 2019

Power steering bypass valve malfunctions

► Observance of operating rules effects on the service life of the power steering system

Despite the increase of popularity of the electric power steering system, the hydraulic power steering system is still the most common.

 Functional features of the power steering system:

  • it creates and changes the pressure in the system;
  • it provides safe and easy driving.
  • it protects internal parts of the pump from overheating

If the pump fails, it can adversely impact other units, so the problem must be solved immediately.

Major breakdowns

If you don’t observe of the operating rules it effects on the service life of the power steering system Hazards:

  • Systematic, untimely oil change. Outdated or unsuitable oil leads to overheating of the pump and wear of the rubbing parts;
  • Overturning of the steering wheel to its extreme position causes overload.

Repair of the power steering bypass valve

If you understand that the power steering pump stopped working correctly, you should contact a specialized repair service. If a driver himself finds the cause of the malfunction, it is difficult to eliminate it on his own.

Insufficient belt tension leads to throws in the power steering system. The bypass valve cannot solve the problem because of unequal pumping of the liquid into the system.

It is possible to resume the functional mobility of the pump valve. It is required to reassemble the power steering pump, flush all components and replace worn parts. On some car brands to correct this defect is problematic. In this case, the ability to repair the power steering valve can be confirmed only after preliminary diagnostics.

Maintenance of the bypass valve is required to do according to the instruction manual. To prevent the loss of mobility of the power steering valve, it is necessary to systematically open the power steering tank to check the level and cleanliness of the fluid. If it is necessary, add a recommended type of fluid or contact a specialized service station to change the fluid.