Jan 2, 2020

Training course «Compressors of air conditioners»

Training courses in diagnostics and repair of vehicle air conditioners I MSG Equipment

MSG Equipment upgrade training courses are for those who are willing to get more theoretical and practical knowledge, to acquire skill in maintenance and repair of vehicle air conditioners.  The course is based on a unique author’s program.

Get acquainted with MSG Equipment course content!

What does the upgrade training course, based on MSG Equipment tools and devices, for specialists in vehicle AC maintenance and repair include?

Day 1 

It’s certainly easier to understand the course material when newly acquired skills are applied in practice. That’s why the process is structured. Theory is presented in the form of engrossing interactive lectures, followed by practice, so students could solidify their knowledge. The purpose of the course is to help the retrainees to become experts in the field of air conditioners maintenance and repair.


  • Operating principle of vehicle climate systems;
  • Cycles of vehicle vapor-compression systems;
  • Application, classification, functioning and construction of climate system units (part 1);
  • Refrigerants and lubricating oils.


Training resources: wall charts, disassembled car units.


  • Diagnostic techniques of vapor-compression systems failures, their symptoms and repair.
  • Compressors disassembling and repair.


Training resources: axial-piston compressors, scroll compressors.


Day 2


  • Basic constructions of vapor-compressing air conditioners;
  • Application, classification, functioning and construction of climate system units (part 2);
  • Pipeline pressurization restoring techniques;
  • Repair kits for compressors.


Training resources: disassembled car units, soldering machine for aluminum pipelines; MS111 test bench.


  • Repair of different compressor types.

Training resources: rotary vane and wobble plate compressors.

Day 3 


  • Climate systems maintenance;
  • Flushing of compressor hydraulic system;
  • Hydraulic system pressurization test;
  • Charging of compressor refrigerant and related procedures.

Training resources: MS111 test bench; MS101Р flushing stand for AC system; Piccola-Evo refrigerant charging device.


  • Compressor hydraulic system flushing;
  •  High-vacuum and negative pressure techniques for pressurization test;
  • Repair of different compressor types with the use of repair kits.

Training resources: MS111 test bench.

Day 4 

At customer’s option, more detailed covering of some subjects and of special techniques for certain car units repair is provided.   


  • Working with catalogues;
  • Conducted tour of the factory;
  • Introduction of MSG Equipment assortment of special tools and equipment.

Welcome to MSG Equipment training center: a lot of interesting theory and exciting practice are waiting for you!