Equipment package MAXIMAL - for the repair of EPS racks and EHPS pumps

This package is absolutely of current interest for the stations that repair HPS racks at present time and consider the expanding the service range with the launch of a new service line – repair of EPS racks and EHPS pumps. The package MAXIMAL solves the following tasks:

  • diagnostics of EPS racks and EHPS pumps – dismounted from a car;
  • disassembling/assembling of EPS racks and EHPS pumps.

Equipment package MAXIMAL - for the repair of EPS racks and EHPS pumps

Service life5 years min
Minimum premises space (for placing the equipment a technician’s working place)8 sqm
Warranty period1 year
Service staff1 person
Training duration5 days
Payback period18 months min

Equipment package MAXIMAL - for the repair of EPS racks and EHPS pumps

MSG Equipment Catalogue 2024 en 4.82M