Aug 4, 2022

FlexRay cables — a tool for diagnostics and repair of modern power steering racks

FlexRay cables — a tool for diagnostics and repair of power steering racks | MSG Equipment

The constant growth and complexity of electronic systems in the vehicle leads to the need to introduce new technologies. So in modern models of vehicles of German manufacture: AUDI, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, for communication between the electric rail and other control units, used not the classic CAN-bus, and a new - FlexRay bus. The FlexRay bus has been specifically designed to match the ever-increasing demands placed on communication systems, especially concerning speed and data volume, real-time operation, and reliability.

In the case of breakage and repair of the power steering, in vehicles that use the new FlexRay bus, it is necessary to have a tool that allows you to diagnose the EPS removed from the vehicle. The tool is also necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the fault before installing the rail on the vehicle, to make sure that it is in full working order.

A new cable is developed for each rail model. The rail control unit has its own unique code and unique synchronicity. At the moment, our company has developed 7 FlexRay cables, each of which is equipped with a unique control unit that allows synchronizing with a particular rail and sending it all the necessary data. This allows performing all the same operations on the dismantled rail as on the one installed on the vehicle, these are:

  • reading and removing faults;
  • viewing data real-time;
  • reading information stored in the control unit;
  • coding;
  • software updates;
  • sensor calibrations;
  • etc.

Following tradition, we make working with our equipment as simple as possible. To diagnose a FlexRay steering rack, simply connect the FlexRay cable to the MS561 controller and the steering rack. Further, the diagnostics is carried out, as for a conventional rail operating on the CAN bus.

Thus, the MS561 controller is the universal tool for diagnostics and repair of steering racks, and FlexRay cables expand their capabilities. Now FlexRay cables are the only tool for full diagnostics and repair of steering racks working under the FlexRay protocol.