Nov 20, 2018



Many drivers are familiar with the shock absorber knock.

Unpleasant sound, unfortunately, does not appear immediately. You can hear this knock only after a long period of malfunction. It is easy to fix the problem, it is solved by repairing or replacing the old shock absorber.

Shock absorber functions

A shock absorber is a device that is used to minimize vibrations and protect the vehicle against shocks that occur when driving on a rough road. If the shock absorber is broken, the car driving will not be pleasant at all.

Over time, shock absorbers begin to knock which affects the comfort of passengers, but what is even more importantly is the fact that the accident risk increases. The main reason is a significant increase in the braking path, car stability loss. When shock absorbers are broken, on performing turns and other difficult maneuvers, the level of adhesion of the wheel with the road decreases. By finding out the cause of knocks, you can prevent possible negative consequences.

Main reasons

  • It is required to make sure that there is no oil leak, it is one of the main causes of breakage. When there is a leak, the shock absorber should be changed.
  • By pressing on the car fender, conduct a simple swing test. The broken shock absorber can not adequately stabilize the oscillations, the car will remain swinging for a long time.
  • An unpleasant knock may signalize of a dangerous level of the wear or mechanical deformation of the shock absorber. In this case, it is necessary to repair or change the shock absorber when mileage is 50 thousand km. In this case, it is necessary to repair the shock absorber or change it when mileage is 50 thousand km.
  • Another reason of knocks may be the leakage of hydraulic fluid into the outer cylinder, since the air will flow into the place that has become empty. The reason of the knock can be removed after the shock absorber pumping. Pumping is performed both independently and with the help of a car service specialists.
  • A knock in the winter period is quite common. The knock appears at sub-zero temperatures due to oil hardening. In this case, it is required to warm up the shock absorber as soon as possible. In winter, the shock absorber fluid is used which has a low pour point and low viscosity, which does not change during temperature jumps.
  • Inspect the shock absorber for integrity. The cause of knocks may be a breakage of some elements of the unit: pipe breakdown, the shaft thread damage, detachment of the shock absorber.

What to do when there is a knock right after the shock absorber installation

Make sure that the installation was carried out correctly, the nuts are well tightened and there is no play of the shaft. If everything is in order but the knock is still present, it means that the shock absorber was installed on old bushings or on improper components for this type of unit. To avoid such problems, it would be better to buy shock absorbers with a set of bushings.

Testing of shock absorbers on the test bench MS1000+ gives an opportunity to conduct diagnostics quickly and efficiently. The shock absorber test rig copes with diagnostics of shock absorbers of all types, detects the necessity in repair, checks performance before and after repair.

Diagnostics is carried out in two modes: manual or automatic. An automatic check takes about a minute. The results can be seen on the touch display of the test bench. Work with the shock absorber testing machine is easy. The user manual of the test bench MS1000+ describes in detail the operation together with tips that will help in work.

Advantages of the diagnostics on the test bench MS1000+:

  • opportunity to check shock absorbers of any type;
  • diagnostics can be performed at different speeds with additional load;
  • comparison of testing results before and after repair;
  • saving and printing of test results;
  • the shock absorber temperature tracking during the testing;
  • user-friendly software and interface.

The test bench MS1000+ will help to conduct high-quality, accurate and fast diagnostics of shock absorbers, and, thus, increase the flow of customers and the service center profit.