Oct 3, 2017

Repair and diagnostics of starters and alternators - Selection of equipment for vehicle service centre

Repair and diagnostics of starters and alternators - Selection of equipment for vehicle service centre

The starter is the main car's engine start system unit.

Despite the fact that compared to other nodes and engine modules, the starter's technological use is of a short-term nature, it can be confidently asserted that this part is extremely important.

As in any other engine systems and components, the engine start system also degenerates over time, which leads to its incorrect work. Therefore, in order to avoid its failure, with the slightest failure in operation of at least one of its components, it is necessary to immediately determine faults of the starter by diagnosing it.

Qualitative starter's repair is performed on specialized equipment that allows you to detect hidden defects of the starter: wiring interruption, inter-turn closures, a retractor relay testing, checking the starter under load and testing the bendix drive for "blow", checking an anchor and stator.

It is obvious that it is much more convenient to conduct a qualitative starter's fault diagnosis if it is in front of you on the desktop, rather than hanging somewhere below the engine, in the most inaccessible place. Only when the unit is in your hands, it is possible to fully test it for malfunctions, subsequent maintenance and repair.

We cannot imagine any vehicle without an alternator, as during the movement it rotates and generate the electric power necessary for operation of all electrical appliances of a vehicle.It is absolutely not necessary in the event of a problem in the operation of the alternator immediately in a panic rush to the market for a new one. Having investigated the symptoms and taking into account the possible causes of its breakdown, it is reasonable to test it using tester.

It is much easier and more profitable to restore the alternator's work by repairing it (or replacing some nodes), rather than spend a considerable amount of money. Professional alternator's repair requires not only professionalism from the master, but also the suitable equipment of the workshop. You need to be sure that vehicle service center is fully equipped modern equipment and tools for high-quality work execution, as well as a wide range of components that may require repair or replacement of the alternator.

These mandatory technological methods for repairing alternators and starters cannot be made in "home" conditions or in small auto repair shops that are not equipped with appropriate test benches.