

New Year is the time to achieve goals and make plans! You can start a business from scratch or expand the one you’ve already been running. Useful gifts prepared by MSG Equipment will help you to launch a new business in 2021!


During one week, we offer a 10% discount for test benches MS111 and MS002, tester MS031, and controller MS561.


We make a discount! There are 4 commodities that you may purchase with a 10% discount in a period from 27th to 4th December. What the exact equipment being sold with the discount we will let you know on Black Friday – 27th November.


We invite you to visit our virtual booth at MIMS Automechanika Moscow Digital 2020, which takes place from November 24 to 26.


We introduce the new software versions for the following test benches and testers: MS006, MS012, MS013, and MS031
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